Examples gallery#
Below is a list of example scripts showing basic usage for most methods in MEEGkit.
The examples can be browsed directly on Github.
Execute all notebooks in the `./examples directory.
Ringing artifact reduction example
Ringing artifact reduction example
Sparse time artifact removal on simulated data
Sparse time artifact removal on simulated data
Endpoint-corrected Hilbert transform (ECHT) phase estimation
Endpoint-corrected Hilbert transform (ECHT) phase estimation
DSS example
ASR example
Remove line noise with ZapLine
Remove line noise with ZapLine
Robust detrending examples
Example demonstrating STAR + DSS
Example demonstrating STAR + DSS
Multiway canonical correlation analysis (mCCA)
Multiway canonical correlation analysis (mCCA)
Rhythmic Entrainment Source Separation (RESS) example
Rhythmic Entrainment Source Separation (RESS) example
mCCA example: Sinusoidal target in separable noise
mCCA example: Sinusoidal target in separable noise
Causal phase estimation example
Causal phase estimation example
Task-related component analysis for SSVEP detection
Task-related component analysis for SSVEP detection